On 11 April 2018, Restamax Plc (“Restamax”) and Intera Fund II Ky (“Intera”) and the other shareholders of RR Holding Oy have signed a share purchase agreement whereby Restamax purchases all the shares in RR Holding Oy (“Royal Ravintolat”); and at the same time, the shareholders and key personnel of Royal Ravintolat will make an investment in Restamax.


RESTAMAX OYJ 0QI6 Trade recap - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, fundamentals

Timo Laine Restamax. åpningstider Vinmonopolet Sandefjord Fråga På Annat Fordon Mobil. Koti  MAX startade redan 1968. Ambitionen är den samma som för över 40 år sedan - med de bästa råvarorna ska vi servera de godaste burgarna.

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The company, which listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in 2013 and became the first Finnish listed restaurant company, has continued to grow strongly throughout its history. Restamax Plc's share capital consists of 18,892,347 shares and votes. Restamax Plc has one series of shares, and each share carries one vote. Additional information: Jarno Suominen, CFO, Restamax Plc, tel.

Nordnetissä voit käydä kauppaa edullisin hinnoin.

Intera Partners II avyttrar restaurang-gruppen Royal Ravintolat till Restamax . 12 april 2018 Royal Restamax 20180412

Liikevoittoprosentti oli -58,7%. We see significant potential in the nightclub and entertainment restaurant business in Denmark.


Restamax Oyj on julkinen osakeyhtiö, jonka toimiala on ravintolat ja kotipaikka Tampere. Vuonna 2018 Restamax Oyj työllisti 118 henkilöä ja sen liikevaihto oli 26,5 milj. euroa, kasvaen 18% vuoteen 2017 verrattuna. Työnantajalla on tällä hetkellä 1 avointa työpaikkaa Duunitorilla, katso kaikki avoimet työpaikat täältä.

Wall Street predict expect Restamax will report losses per share of €0.165; Watch Restamax stock price move in real-time ahead here. Restamax Plc is a Finnish group established in 1996, specialising in restaurant services and labour hire. The company, which was listed on NASDAQ Helsinki in 2013 and became the first Finnish RESTAMAX OYJ 0QI6 Trade recap - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, fundamentals Restamax Plc is a Finnish group established in 1996, specialising in restaurant services and labour hire. The company, which was listed on NASDAQ Helsinki in 2013 and became the first Finnish Restamax Plc is one of the biggest restaurant groups in Finland. Restamax offers experiences to customers in some 60 restaurants and nightclubs. Restamax was established in 1996 and throughout the years the group has grown strongly through strategic acquisitions and organic growth.

Finska Restamax väntas gynnas av ljusare ekonomiska utsikter och en därmed föranledd bättre krogkonjunktur. Aktien betecknas som köpvärd tack vare sin "aptitliga" position, och p/e-talet beräknas till 17 för innevarande år och 14 för nästa med tidningens prognoser. Max is resting. 2018-12-12 The predecessors of NoHo Partners were Restamax Plc and Royal Ravintolat.
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huhtikuu 2018 Restamax ja Royal täydentävät yhtiöinä toisiaan, niin tuoteportfolioltaan kuin osaamiseltaan, sanoo Restamaxin hallituksen puheenjohtaja  12. huhtikuu 2018 Restamax ostaa Royal Ravintolat – "2020 mennessä Pohjois-Euroopan johtava ravintolatoimija". Restamaxin toimitusjohtaja Juha Helminen  17. huhtikuu 2018 Asianajotoimisto Applex edusti myyjiä Restamax Oyj:n ostaessa enemmistön Nordic Gourmet Oy:n koko osakekannasta.

Jarno Suominen is Chief Financial Officer at Restamax Oyj. View Jarno Suominen’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. Restamax offers experiences to customers in some 60 restaurants and nightclubs. Restamax was established in 1996 and throughout the years the group has grown strongly through strategic acquisitions and organic growth. The company owns both premium restaurants and casual family-style restaurants.
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Köp aktier i NoHo Partners Oyj - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage.

24.10.2017 12:31:29 EEST | Restamax Oyj. Jaa. (IPC) – den grupp Aktiespararen ger köprekommendation för AQ Group, IPC och finska Restamax i den senaste utgåvan. Tidningen ger  Börsnoterade restaurangbolaget Restamax köper hela aktiestocken av RR Holding, företaget bakom Royal Ravintolat. Målet är att bli norra  Aktier; |; Index; |; Obligationer; |; Optioner & terminer; |; ETF/ETP; |; Fonder; |; Nyheter; |; Utbildning; |; Om oss.

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Restamax offers experiences to customers in some 60 restaurants and nightclubs. Restamax was established in 1996 and throughout the years the group has grown strongly through strategic acquisitions and organic growth. The company owns both premium restaurants and casual family-style restaurants. For more information, visit www.restamax.fi